Monday, April 21, 2014

#100itemcraftstashchallenge: Project 38

Remember the tie tee I made for PGS for Project 33? Well, it's one of his favorite pieces of clothing and he wants to put it on as soon as it's clean again. So I bought another white tee for him, this time I bought a 3T short sleeve Garanimals tee from Walmart for $3.88. I also made a minor variation to the tee: interchangeable ties! Since it's one tee and two ties, I counted it as one project this time.
The pirate tie attached
I used some scrap white suedecloth fabric to reinforce the snaps and placed two snaps on the tee and two on each tie. One tie was made from scrap fabric of the pirate diaper I made for PGS (that will be in next week's post!) and the other was from some scrap robot fabric and some scrap white fabric. The robots are the side of the tie visible to the world and the white is the side with the snaps.
The robot tie attached
The ties are two pieces of fabric cut in the tie shape. Put the snaps on the back piece and then pin the tie pieces right sides together. Make sure to leave an open space to turn the ties right side out. Press the fabric and topstitch the tie. Voila! A snap on tie for interchangeable tie fun!
Close up of the snaps, the back of a tie and the front of a tie


  1. That's so creative! Are you selling these?? My son loves ties.

    1. No, because even though I know all of the materials that I use are CPSIA compliant and safe for children, I'm not registered as a SBM right now and don't want to sell children's items until I complete that step.
