Monday, February 24, 2014

#100itemcraftstashchallenge: Project 24

For project 24 of the challenge, my husband had requested that I make him a remote caddy that could be hung. I only had the two remotes for a "pattern" to make the remote caddy. I found a piece of fabric in my scraps bin that looked like it would be big enough and started making up the caddy as I went along. Here's a photo of the finished project, after the photo I'll explain more how I made it.
First, I folded the fabric in half lengthwise and then folded it almost in half a second time, but this time widthwise. Using this estimated pouch, I then folded the ends of the back and the pocket to hem the fabric and prevent fraying. After sewing the hem of the pocket only, I pinned the pocket to the back and used a zigzag stitch to sew along the entire square of the pouch - this hemmed the back of the pouch as well. I then used a straight stitch to sew straight up the middle of the pouch to create two pockets for the remotes. To hang it, I used iron-on hem adhesive to attach the ribbon. Since it was afterthought, I didn't sew it on for better stability. If I were to make a second one, I would sew the ribbon (or other hanger) onto the pouch to create the hanging remote caddy.

Remember that project 25 was shown off in this post here.

Come back next Monday for project 26!

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